Advertising A: Regional / National TV & Radio
These license options include the same uses covered in Standard License A but extend its usage to include advertising on a TV and Radio campaign regionally and nationally.
Full details about TV/radio broadcast and cue sheets
Advertising B: Worldwide TV & Radio
These license options include the same uses covered in Standard License A but extend its usage to include advertising on a TV and Radio campaign worldwide.
Full details about TV/radio broadcast and cue sheets
Advertising C: Online Ad Delivery
This license option includes the same uses covered in Standard License A but extends its usage to include use in an online advert.
We define an online advert as an audio or video promotion created specifically as an advert to be placed in advertising networks.
This is where your advert plays on or at the beginning (pre-roll) of online content.
See Online Adverts for full details
Advertising D: Regional / National Theater & Cinema
This license option covers usage in theatrical or cinematic productions regionally or nationally. If your project is a very small local/small production our standard license will suffice.
See Theatres and Shows for full details
Advertising E: Worldwide Theater & Cinema
This license option covers usage in theatrical or cinematic productions globally.
See Theatres and Shows for full details
Advertising F: Regional TV / Radio & Online
The same as Advertising A license but also includes license Advertising C: Online Ad Delivery.
Advertising G: Worldwide TV / Radio & Online
The same as Advertising B license but also includes license Advertising C: Online Ad Delivery.
Advertising H: All Media Worldwide
Includes all uses of Advertising Licenses A to H.