Curated royalty-free music, sound effects, voice-overs & audio production services for your media projects. Helping businesses with their soundtrack requirements since 2005.
Hand-picked stock music for your soundtrack needs.
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Curated voice-overs and managed process to ensure quality.
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Professional editing and audio production services.
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While this list can be seen in full in our services section, here is a bulleted outline for your convenience.
With thousands of satisfied customers globally we now work for a range of company types, including: –
To see a full list of services, go to our services page or click on the links above to see how we help various types of business.
Working with Lee has been a real pleasure and has made my life a lot easier. His professionalism, attention to detail and sound engineering skills are unsurpassed and I look forward to being involved ... Anthony Richardson, OverVoice I ordered a 100 words voice over and chose Colin. I am absolutely satisfied! The costumer service is outstanding! It is personal and professional, I have that very certain feeling along the production... Mihaly, Motions of ek-stasis
Working with Lee has been a real pleasure and has made my life a lot easier. His professionalism, attention to detail and sound engineering skills are unsurpassed and I look forward to being involved ...
Anthony Richardson, OverVoice
I ordered a 100 words voice over and chose Colin. I am absolutely satisfied! The costumer service is outstanding! It is personal and professional, I have that very certain feeling along the production...
Mihaly, Motions of ek-stasis
With curated music and sound effects, and flexible licensing our stock libraries can be used for a wide range of commercial uses. To see a full list of music uses, go to What can our audio be used for?
We can’t say we are the biggest library in the world but we do carefully select music and sound effects and take pride in this fact. This takes longer and is much more work but our clients appreciate the care we take and the quality and professionalism of our services. Trading since 2005, this approach has amassed a very comprehensive stock of quality music and sound effects. Long may it continue and get even better.
"We are not one of those libraries where anyone can register and upload music, our music is always hand selected for quality and for peace-of-mind".
Many videos require professional voiceovers and audio production to complete the soundtrack. Realising this we developed a voice over and audio production service alongside our core products of stock music and sound effects. Operating the same principles of quality we have grown a curated roster of voice overs who we work with to provide affordable voice over services. We work as an integral part of the process ensuring quality results meaning you do not have to scour the web seeking countless voice demos, prices or references; we have done the work for you.
"We are not one of those voice over websites where you deal with numerous voice overs, we are an integral part of the process acting as an intermediary between you and the voice over."
MediaMusicNow was set up in 2005. As one of the first online music libraries, we feel strongly about supporting independent composers and paying them fairly, and as owners of the business, we are passionate about providing excellent service and customer support.
I set up Media Music Now in 2005. My original plan was to use it to promote and sell my own music, however, it soon became clear that there were a lot of composers looking for a place to sell their music too. Today, I concentrate on composing and audio production.
You'll often find me answering customer enquiries, publishing new music in our library, updating audio and web content and dealing with the day to day operations of the business. If you have a question feel free to get in touch. I'm on hand to help!
We built a music library of hand-selected music with quality and variety as our main objective. From our music-focused origins, we expanded our services to not only provide royalty-free music, but also sound effects, voice-overs and audio production. The libraries continue to grow with thousands of audio files to choose from.
In addition to music and sound effects, we work with a reliable and professional voice-over roster and provide a range of audio production services.
From a modest start of a few composers, we now have hundreds of suppliers and offer a full range of audio related services. In 2013 we introduced our tagline Your Soundtrack Solved™ to reflect the fact that we have progressed from providing just music to now offering everything required for a soundtrack.
Imagine having the ability to remove or adjust the volume of specific instruments, such as strings or drums, from a background track in a film or video game. That’s what music stems allow creators to do. They are like building blocks for creating the ideal music mix for your project. This guide aims to provide […]
The post Understanding Music Stems: An Intro for Creators appeared first on MediaMusicNow Blog.
Add a distinctive flair to your project with our custom music service. Our in-house composer and co-founder of MediaMusicNow, Lee Pritchard can bring your vision to life with a tailor-made composition. Showcasing Musical Versatility Listen to Lee’s demos and explore his diverse range of musical styles. From captivating cinematic scores to catchy pop melodies, Lee’s […]
The post Find Your Sound with Custom Music appeared first on MediaMusicNow Blog.
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How to use 'My Lists'
'My Lists' enables you to create and organise playlists of music tracks and sound effects. The lists you create will be saved in your account area and you can email it to yourself, your colleague or your client.
What can this be licensed for?
You need to buy some credits to purchase this. Click Buy Credits to do this.
You have already downloaded: Track name You downloaded this track on dd/mm/yyyy You can re-download this track and its license agreement from: My Account > My Music
Selecting the Correct License Type
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