Stock Music & SFX for Filmmakers & Broadcasters

We provide stock music and sound effects that can be licensed and downloaded.

Our music is suited to filmmakers, TV broadcasters, documentary makers, low budget film producers, such as independent films for film festivals. However, we can also cater for films destined for cinematic release too. We aim to make the costs appropriate to your budget. If you have budget restraints, we are always willing to negotiate on the music costs and requirements for film projects.

Licensing costs are typically per film project. If you are a corporate, wedding film-maker or Vlogger, see Guide to Our Services for Video Producers.

If you are looking for music that nobody else is using, you may wish to commission bespoke music or lease some of our pre-release tracks.

We also offer a range of voiceovers and audio production services.

Which License do I need?

Broadcast A: TV, Film & Radio covers the use of our stock music and sound effects in TV and Radio programmes, in films and documentaries as part of the production, including incidental music, opening and end credits. It excludes Adverts.

This license also excludes use in large scale film production and major movie releases. For these uses, please email [email protected]

What are the costs?

Our prices are based on the track length and usage. When searching our music you will see that there is a credit amount and guide price next to every track based on its length. Please be aware that the prices differ depending on the license type required and you can also get a discount for buying credit packs. The more you buy, the better the discount.

Credits can be used any time to download and license music or sound effects. By clicking the green License & Download button next to a track you can select the appropriate license type required and its associated costs.

We have a full guide to using our music and sound effect library 

If you need a lot of tracks you can send us a list and we will be happy to work out the price for you. Also, if you are on a budget let us know what it is. Email [email protected]

Cue Sheets & Performing Rights Organisations (PROs)

The music used in productions shown in public and broadcasts is regulated by performance royalty organisations. They have to pay a blanket fee for the performance aspect of the music. If a composer's music is used, and they are in a PRO, (in theory) they will receive a share of the blanket license paid by the broadcaster. 

You may be asked to fill in cue sheets or provide information for Cue Sheets. 

Not all of our music is registered in a PRO but if you get asked for cue sheet data please email support@mediamusicnow and we will be happy to provide all of the information you need.

This PRO element should not represent an additional cost to you, but it means that the composer may receive an additional royalty.

On a Budget?

We have based our prices on our experience and the cost of providing great music. However, we know that music licensing and the costs associated with it are confusing and prohibitive for some. For this reason, if you are on a budget, please get in touch. We may be able to provide a discount.

Please email us with information about your situation and requirements. We will try our best to help.

[email protected]

Have any questions?

Email [email protected]


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