Soundtrack / Sci-fi

Royaly free music perfect for science fiction, outer space and futuristic settings. This royalty free sci-fi music tells a story of alternative realities, time travel and other worldly experiences.

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Results for Sci-fi


Track Length:  2.26

Very dark, extremely heavy with strong industrial percussion. Would suit dark action adventure, sci-fi or film soundtrack. Moderate to quick tempo.
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The Ride

Track Length:  2.52

Hard, aggressive, futuristic sci-fi action soundtrack. Contains male vocal samples throughout.
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Ruins of an Alien Civilization

Track Length:  2.22 | Additional Versions : 5

Like music from deep space or a molecular structure, this ambient music track features scattered sounds, signals and rhythms in interwoven textures. G...
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Ruins of an Alien Civilization 30secs

Track Length:  0.31

30 seconds edit from full track 'Ruins of an Alien Civilization'. Ambient music track that features scattered sounds, signals and rhythms in interwove...
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Ruins of an Alien Civilization 60secs

Track Length:  1.01

60 seconds edit from full track 'Ruins of an Alien Civilization'. Ambient music track that features scattered sounds, signals and rhythms in interwove...
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Ruins of an Alien Civilization Extended Intro

Track Length:  2.40

Extended intro version of royalty free music track 'Ruins of an Alien Civilization'. Ambient music track that features scattered sounds, signals and r...
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Ruins of an Alien Civilization Loop 1

Track Length:  0.43

Music loop taken from full track 'Ruins of an Alien Civilization'. Ambient music track that features scattered sounds, signals and rhythms in interwov...
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