Nursery Rhymes

Royalty free nursey rhymes from "Twinkle Twinkle..." to "Old MacDonald..." to "Baa Baa Black Sheep" perfect for babies and young children themed productions.

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Results for Nursery Rhymes

Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush (Instr.)

Track Length:  2.41 | Additional Versions : 1

Instrumental version of the traditional nursery rhyme / children's song. Available as a regular / long version, and also as a seamlessly looping versi...
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Brahms Lullaby

Track Length:  1.24

Sometimes called 'The Cradle Song', this instrumental version contains classical guitar with lots of reverb. Quiet strings and choir accompaniment on ...
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Twinkle Twinkle

Track Length:  0.31

A shimmering arrangement of the children's favourite.
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Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Track Length:  0.39

Soft hand bells make this delicate melody sparkle. No accompaniment.
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Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Instr.)

Track Length:  2.01 | Additional Versions : 1

Instrumental version of the traditional nursery rhyme / children's song. Available as a regular / long version, and also as a seamlessly looping versi...
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Row Row Row Your Boat

Track Length:  0.56

Instrumental version of this popular song. First electric piano, then flute, then guitar and then piano repeat to complete this 'in-the-round' track.
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If Youre Happy and You Know It (Instrumental) (L.P)

Track Length:  1.59 | Additional Versions : 1

Fun and happy, mid-tempo instrumental arrangement of the popular children's song / nursery rhyme 'If You're Happy and You Know It'. There are five ver...
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Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes (Instr.)

Track Length:  2.25 | Additional Versions : 1

Instrumental version of the traditional nursery rhyme / children's song. Available as a regular / long version, and also as a seamlessly looping versi...
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Pop Goes the Weasel (Instr.)

Track Length:  1.47 | Additional Versions : 1

Instrumental version of the traditional nursery rhyme / children's song. Available as a regular / long version, and also as a seamlessly looping versi...
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Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (2 minutes)

Track Length:  2.01

This is a shorter instrumental version (2 minutes) of 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' with 5 verses and the melody throughout. The lyrics to this...
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