Classical / Satie

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Results for Satie

Gnossienne No.1 Satie

Track Length:  3.31

Satie's 'Gnossiennes' were composed in the late 19th Century. The musical vocabulary is a continuation of that of the 'Gymnopedies.' 'Gnossienne No. 1...
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Gymnopedie No.1 (CMFM)

Track Length:  3.23

One of the most famous pieces of music for solo piano. Despite having the instruction, 'Lent et douloureux', (slow and painfully), this track is refer...
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Gymnopedie No.1 Satie

Track Length:  3.03

First (and possibly the most famous) of Satie's 'Three Gymnopedies' published from 1888. These pieces, in 3/4 time, are considered as the precursors t...
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Gymnopedie No.2 Satie

Track Length:  2.31

Second (and least famous) of Satie's 'Three Gymnopedies', published from 1888. These pieces, in 3/4 time, are considered as the precursors to modern a...
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Gnossienne No.3 (CMFM)

Track Length:  2.51

The third in a series of highly expressive and free-flowing compositions by Satie is again at a slow pace like the first one. This gives the track a s...
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Gymnopedie No.2 (CMFM)

Track Length:  2.55

Gymnopodie No.2 has an aura of sombreness about it. 'Lent et triste', (slow and sad), is the instruction to the player. Very atmospheric with a feelin...
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Je te Veux

Track Length:  5.20

A waltz for solo piano which conjures up images of Paris and popular song around 1900. The title translates into, 'I Want You', and reflects the senti...
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Gnossienne No.1 (CMFM)

Track Length:  3.16

Slow, ('Lent' in French), and free-flowing, this track evokes an almost daydream like state. This is the first of three works to be given the name Gno...
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Gymnopedie No.3 Satie

Track Length:  2.18

Third (and one of the most famous) of Satie's 'Three Gymnopedies', published from 1888. These pieces, in 3/4 time, are considered as the precursors to...
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Gnossienne No.2 (CMFM)

Track Length:  2.12

The second Gnossienne has the instruction, 'avec ?tonnement', (with astonishment), to instruct the player to play slightly faster than the other two p...
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