The Financials

We give a 50% share on sales of music and pay via PayPal or Bank transfer (UK only) on a quarterly basis, minus any transfer fees. If we accept you as a composer you will receive an account area where you can access your quarterly statements, and check a balance of accumulated sales. We contact you quarterly once you are due a payment.

Understanding What We Charge and Pay You

We operate a credits based system that is worked out by our website software. Prices vary dependent on the number of credits a client buys and the license type they select.
We value your music and price it realistically based on the marketplace. For example, single tracks over two minutes are 22 credits (£16.50 to £27.50). In this case, you would receive the value of 11 credits.
Buyers get a discount the more credits they buy. Clients that are regular users may buy in bulk, in which case they pay as low as £0.75 per credit. On the other hand, infrequent buyers pay up to £1.25 per credit. In practice, the amount will always be somewhere in between the two but may vary from order to order.


As an example, your share of a 22 credit track will be the monetary value of 11 credits.
11 credits x £1.25 = £13.75 Or 11 credits x £0.75 = £8.25 Or any amount in between.
We will always get as much as we can, but this is a competitive marketplace and we need to be able to offer loyal customers a discounted option.

We sell credits individually, as credit packs and as monthly subscriptions. Our subscriptions are limited where clients buy a set number of credits at a discount.

See Buy Credits for more details.
Have a look through our library and select a few licences to get a feel for it. You will see how certain uses increase the license price. Also, for detailed pricing information and to see how costs vary based on track length see Understanding Credits & Pricing (This information is for customers, so you will get 50% of a sale).

Our Policy on Unlimited Subscriptions

We do not approve of unlimited downloads for a small monthly fee. They are great for companies but drastically reduce the income for composers. Composers give their music for no upfront payment (in most cases) and receive almost pennies for licenses.

On Media Music Now we only offer limited subscriptions, which gives a discount but limits the number of tracks a client can download each month. This is to preserve the value of the music.

Our Clients Deserve Respect

If you are selling your music on unlimited subscription websites, we cannot justify selling it much higher on our website. It does not mean we won't take your music on, but in order to respect our clients and to compete, we will discount your tracks by a large percentage to make them comparable to the low cost elsewhere.

Therefore, if you are offering your music as part of an unlimited subscription and you want us to sell it too, your tracks will be discounted by up to 80%. So for example a 3-minute track at 22 credits would be discounted to 4 credits.

We Can't Make Any Promises of Sales

We make no promises about the number of sales you will get. In many ways, it is a numbers game but relevancy is important too. There is no exact formula. Some tracks get licensed over and over again, whereas others don't. That just seems to be the way it is.

Unfortunately, we do not have the time to offer coaching, reassurance, discussion or direction on what music to produce or send. If we feel it has a place in our library, we will make it available.

If we proceed with your music, to give yourself the best chance of getting results it is best to send us small batches of music on a regular basis, making sure to include good descriptions (no short one-liners, they need to be descriptive), as well as relevant tags, genre, mood, instruments etc. It costs you nothing but time, and you never know when a track or tracks will be licensed.

This is not a set it and forget it type of business; you cannot just rely on a few tracks to generate sales. It is something you have to work at consistently, keep adding new music and make everything as good as it can be.

If you are a seasoned composer you will already be well aware of this. But if you are new to the industry, this information will hopefully help you adjust your expectations.

Next: FAQ's



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