Browse & Search Royalty Free Music & Sound Effect Previews

Our stock music library has several ways of discovering great new music. The sound effects library works in the same way but has fewer options.

Finding Tracks

You can browse by: Categories | Moods | Songs | Loops | A-Z List | Playlists | Whats New

These options are always available at the top of any search page. Also, we have a keyword search that is available at the top of the website and at various points throughout. We also have an Advanced Search too.

Filtering Results for Variety

The website has an algorithm that puts the most popular music at the top of the listings. However, if you want to mix it up, try sorting results by random using the dropdown list options. You can also sort by date added or A-Z.

'Sort tracks by' is at the top of every list of results, whether for sound effects or music tracks.

Getting Back to Tracks You Have Played Recently

Our player stores the last 20 tracks that you played. Opening the play history and clicking the track name takes you straight back to its track page.

If your player is not visible, simply play any track from the search results and it will re-open.


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