Using Our Royalty Free Music & Sound Effects in Multimedia Projects

Multimedia is not a single item, it is the term for delivering content in various forms, including, video, slideshow, audio, text, graphics and imagery.

While we are not clarifying a specific use, we can tell you that our stock music and sound effects can be used in multimedia projects. In other words, you are not limited to using the music a single time.

Example 1 - Online Multimedia

Let's say your campaign involves a YouTube video, a Vimeo video, a company website video and promotional podcast. These uses would be covered in our Standard License.

Example 2 - Online, plus TV and Radio advert

If your promotion involves a TV and radio advert and a variety of online videos, company website video and podcast promotions, this is fine within one license purchase.

However, you would need to purchase an Extended License to cover usage on TV / Radio. Once you have the relevant extended license for TV / Radio, the standard license uses are covered too.

Example 3 - Product and Online Campaign

Let's use an elearning product as the example. You will have projected sales forecasts for the number of downloads (or physical copies if on DVD), but you may also want to do various promotions online as in example 1.

This is possible on our standard license for up to 5,000 units sold. If you are pressing more than 5,000 DVD's or you know you will exceed 5,000 download sales please purchase the relevant Extended License based on the number of copies / downloads. Also, you can come back to us for a license upgrade should you exceed this number.

Example 4 - Product with Online, TV and Radio Campaign

Let's take example 3 as the starting point. So you have created products in DVD form, you have created 5,000 units, online promotions and you want to use the audio in a radio and TV advert... What license do you need?

You have all standard license rights when purchasing an extended license, therefore the license you require is Extended License D or E to cover Radio / TV use.
Remember, when you purchase an extended license you can still use our music / effects for the Standard License uses too. So, for example, you could also create up to 5,000 DVDs (physical products) or sold downloads. If you need to make more, please contact us for a license upgrade.

License Upgrades

You may need a license upgrade if you have already purchased a standard license from us but now need an extended license.

You might need an extended license if, for example, you have sold more than 5,000 products (5,000 copies is our standard license limitation) or you are using the music in a Radio, TV, or Cinematic / Theatrical context. See Extended Licenses for more details.

If you do need to upgrade please contact us and we will provide you with a quote. The cost will be worked out based on the website cost for the usage you require, but we will deduct any fees you have already paid on the standard license or on previous license upgrades.


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